Preschool Policies

Our policies are available by clicking the links.

  1. 0001 R09 Admissions Policy
  2. 0002 R07 Behaviour Management Policy
  3. 0003 R12 Billing Policy
  4. 0004 R08 Complaints Policy and Procedure
  5. 0005 R03 Confidentiality Policy
  6. 0006 R06 Curriculum Policy
  7. 0008 R04 Equality and Diversity Policy
  8. 0009 R03 Equipment and Resources Policy
  9. 0010 R07 Finance Policy
  10. 0011 R12 Food and Drink Policy
  11. C0012 – R04 – Grievance policy
  12. 0013 R06 Health and Safety Policy
  13. 0014 R05 Privacy Notice
  14. 0015 R02 Inclusion Policy
  15. 0016 R06 Non-collection of Children Policy
  16. 0017 R04 Policy for Major Illness Breakout  0017 R04 – Appendix
  17. 0018 R05 Policy for Managing Medicines     0018 R04 Exclusion Table
  18. 0019 R07 Parental Involvement Policy
  19. 0020 R07 Record Keeping Policy
  20. 0021 R06 Recruitment and Retention Policy
  21. 0022 R19 Safeguarding Children Policy
  22. 0023 R05 Settling in at Preschool-Playgroup Policy
  23. 0024 R05 Special Educational Needs and Additional Needs Policy
  24. 0025 R05 Staff / Volunteer Induction and Training Policy
  25. 0026 R06 Staffing and Employment Policy
  26. 0027 R06 Student Placement Policy
  27. 0028 R03 Sun Protection Policy
  28. 0030 R07 Appropriate use of ICT Policy
  29. 0031 Bribery Policy (IN DRAFT)
  30. 0032 R03 Policy on Chair’s Action – Statement of Intent
  31. 0033 R07 Public Interest or Whistle Blowing Policy
  32. 0034 R003 Reserves Policy
  33. 0035 R06 Intimate Care Policy
  34. 0036 R02 Information Sharing Policy
  35. 0037 R06 Transfer of Records to school or another setting policy
  36. 0038 R02 DBS Certificate and Keeping it Safe Policy
  37. 0039 R00 Privacy Notice for Staff
  38. 0042 R10 Covid Policy 2020
  39. 0044 R00 Smoking Policy
  40. 0031 R01 Incapacitated Parent/carer Procedure 

Policies are stored as pdf files. You will need a pdf reader to open the files, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader available here.