Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Each month we will share Devon County Council’s SEND newsletter. It’s packed with useful information for families about the work and services that Devon County Council provide to children and young people with SEND and their families.
The newsletters are designed to help keep parents and carers informed of what they are doing to improve support for young people with SEND, and to signpost to services or guidance that may help families.
Please click on the link below to find out about the support services available in Devon and how to access them.
Devon’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
Devon Council Council SEND Newsletters
Early Years Complex Needs Service
The Early Years Complex Needs Service (EYCN) is an education-based service for children with significant or complex developmental delay in two or more areas of development. One of these areas must be cognition (acquiring knowledge or understanding).
Devon Early Years Complex Needs Service is affiliated to the National Portage Association (NPA) and is based on the principle that parents and carers are the key figures in the care and development of their child.
Their aims are to work with families and children so that they are able to learn together, play together, participate and be included in their community. They can work with families in their own homes providing parents with strategies, and ideas to support their child’s development based on difficulties described and identified.
Early Support Advisory Teachers (ESATs) can provide strategies, skills and ideas for preschools, nurseries and childminders staff to support the successful inclusion of children with complex needs. ESATs will contribute to and guide parents and settings to request an Education Health and Care Assessment
They also provide support for families in their local communities, this can include group sessions in Devon Family Hubs for children with SEND.
To find out more about their service or to make a request for support from their team, please visit their website Early Years Complex Needs (EYCN) Service – Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)