Before and After School Clubs

We also run a Before and After School Club for children attending The Duchy Primary School in Bowley Meadow. The session times and fees are as below:

Please note, our breakfast club and after school club sessions are also available for our preschool children.

Early Drop Off: 07:45 – 08.00 – £2

Breakfast session: 08.00 to school registration; includes light breakfast and a walking bus to school. Costs £7.60 per session. Children must be dropped off by 08:20 in order to be on time for the walking bus – earlier if they need breakfast. We cannot delay this as other children may be late for registration at school.

Teatime session: End of the normal school day to 17:00; includes walking bus from school and a light tea. Costs £10.73 per session.

Late session: This is an additional session which runs from 17:00 to 18:00, for parents who work longer hours or who have further to travel. This costs £6.10 per session.

School settling in sessions: During the first two weeks in September, we also run an afternoon sessions for children new to The Duchy Primary School to assist parents who need to work whilst the school is operating half day settling in sessions. We collect children at lunchtime and bring them up to the preschool by walking bus. Please inquire for prices and availability if this service would be useful to you.